Thursday, October 20, 2016

Homework #5

I selected the movie poster The Monster Squad because this is one of my favorite movies from my childhood.  I love the colors, the images of the monsters,the background, and the font that was chosen for the movie title.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Movie poster practice

Movie Poster Project- Story Line

For my movie poster The Cat Lady, I want to play a cat lady who has demonic powers and her cats are her evil minions. The cats are doing a lot of bad things.

Homework #4 -Interview Making the Master: Poster Artist Dustin Stanton

I am very impressed with poster artist Dustin Stanton's work. The first poster he made was for the movie Magnolia. I haven't seen this movie before,but he did such a great job on the poster that I really want to see this movie. And the same with the Birdman movie poster I really like that one as well. It's neat how he got his start in a mail room type setting working as both a driver and a production artist for a large entertainment company in his town.